We are all water droplets. Tiny, numerous, and swelling with energy...
To see, take a warm shower. Let it sit a bit. Let the steam work its magic - on your skin, on the air, on the walls. Let it take over. And once it has, stop. Do nothing, not one thing. But then, look to the water droplets growing on the shower walls beside you. Notice the thousands upon thousands of little beaming bubbles budding right before you. They gather like a mass, and they all start out small - so very small your eyes barely recognize them. And every single one begins to grow. They're all quick, and numerous, and at so many different stages of growth that you can't distinguish where it all began or which little drop came first. They are all one and yet individual. And they are all - with their many shapes and sizes and speeds - beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Once a droplet matures to its fullest, it descends. Into the unknown. Its journey happens so fast and so unpredictably that it's merely impossible to distinguish its destination. But even in its dark descent, the aged droplet leaves new hope, new life. If you trace its fallen track and watch so very closely, you'll see new drops conceived in its passage - new vitality sprung from old. And this cycle never ends. No, it never ends...
We are all water droplets.
Written 9.20.09 @ 11:55 PM
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